XC Border War 4

I got commissioned to help re-design the main logo and design a series of t-shirts for this cross country event on the east coast. Four states battle against each other individually and with there teams to declare victory. Really fun working with Dave from American Running. Lots of ideas sparked but mostly Dave was open to creativity and new ideas for the running culture.

Alimo heads to AK

A simple interpretation of Sitka. The board never got finished bc I had to leave AK. I am currently in the works of refining a new piece similar to the board back at hom.

Monsters skatedeck

New Alimo skatedeck. I call this one "come together with the monsters" Tons of fun drawing on this skatedeck. It will be for sale in the store soon.

Alimo Store

Skateboards, Art and T-shirts now available at http://alimo.deckpeck.com/

If you see a design that you would like in a different color, just shoot me an e-mail.

Late Night Dreams

Just finished a new hand painted skateboard for a new gallery out in Bend. It was a fun and new experience for me. More to come with similar style with the classic resin coating on top

T-shirts of Alimo

Just printed the first t-shirt line for Alimo. 

Work in progress for "Project Alimo" and friends

More work in progress with the clothing line "Project" with my sub-line "Alimo." Super fun designing and producing skateboards, t-shirts, and shwagg with all of my friends. If you want to check out the whole line of "Project" go to http://project.deckpeck.com

Graduation Cards

Graduation Cards

Graduation cards to send out to friends and family. Scrilla?

Alimo Skateboards

Check out these mock ups I just made for the line

Alimo Skateboard Designs and T-shirts

More in-progress work if you will. The top three skateboards and t-shirts are mine, while the bottom is Jess Andrews.

Alimo Skateboards

In the process of designing a sub-line skateboard/clothing company for my advanced design class. This is a sneak preview of what is to come