
Had some extra time to crochet some hats for snowboarding. Pretty dope


My dog Clyde chewing on some toys, enjoying xmas.


Started to mess around with this solar paper I found. Super fun! I made some Holden stencils and transferred them to the blue paper. Turned out pretty cool.

Final Book Project!

Things i've learned from design for democracy. This book sums up all the work I have created over the past term in communication design. 12 page book bound!

America the Waste

What can we do for democracy? Well, me and Karlin thought about americas waste. Yah! its true america is one of the largest waste produces which effects the whole globe. Our take was to design a typographic image book that spoke to the world using trash, plastic, electrical cords, ect. to make type. check it out!

voting project(Logo, brand identity)

The second part of the poster project was to make a campaign about voting. As a group project, myself, jess, karlin, and lizz came together to hand screen-print over 1000 postcards, a couple hundred posters and print around 1500 vinyl stickers. The result was sneaking into classrooms around campus and stick as many stickers and post posters all over! Successfull, but in the morning the covert mission was over; janitors took almost everything down...

Poster Project!!!!!!!

Project #2:Design and install Icons, stickers, posters, or object installations to guide and call action in your community to participate in the election. Elaborating off my last postcard theme, I wanted to portrey an image that had little to nothing to do with voting, but still captured your attention...


"Now that your 18, why go to a strip club when you can vote?"

Laverne Krause Gallery 2008

Recently I had a gallery at the Laverne Krause. I displayed recent work that I made over the summer. Each piece is built on wood canvas and poured over with a resin coating.

Project #1 in communication design...create a series of postcards to remind the viewer to VOTE. In doing research I discovered that registration to vote ended last week, so my ideas changed dramatically. I wanted to make a postcard that said F*#K voting. So guns, knifes and syringes seemed necessary. Ofcourse my color strategy played a huge role in demonstrating my ideas. In this case, I chose traditional red and blue colors to show off political democratic and republican color schemes, but added purple in the mix to show the undecided voters...(pretty clever ehh?)

SEAn KESterSon

Here it is, My blog! A simple way to communicate my artwork while my website (seankesterson.com) is being updated...